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Students who need custom writing assistance are fond of CustomWritings. Popularity isn't always the best thing.

Their website is easy to navigate and user-friendly. You can find all information, samples and even a price calculator on the homepage.

We discovered that CustomWritings was one of many essay websites that ONE Freelance Ltd. manages. This company also launched other writing services such as EssayShark or Bid4Papers. The company's websites have been redesigned in 2022. However, the quality of their services is the same.

What you need to know about custom writings

CustomWritings is known for writing essays of any complexity or type. They also offer other academic writing services, including coursework and thesis, research paper, thesis or case study, as well as dissertations.

This website is not owned by EssayShark or Bid4Papers, but there are some differences with CustomWritings. This site, for instance, uses the traditional system that assigns the best writer to the task and customers pay a fixed amount.

Its sister websites, EssayShark, and BID4Papers use a bidding system that allows customers to choose from a variety of bidding writers according to their budget and needs. You won't be able to tell if these sites have anything in common if you are new to purchasing papers online.


This raises questions about the paper's quality. CustomWritings is known for its prompt delivery and professional customer service. The quality of your paper will depend on who is assigned to it. If this is the case, you might have to pay a premium to get a paper of decent quality from one their top writers.

Related Resources:

Writersperhour Overview CustomWritings review Writemypapers.org reviews Essaywriter.org review

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