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Your first written term paper is due and you are not sure how scientific writing works exactly? Or are you about to graduate and want to hone your written expression for your bachelor thesis? Hardly anyone has a flawless scientific writing style from the start. Writing is a craft that needs to be learned. Practice makes perfect: If you critically examine your style every time you write a scientific paper, you will improve from time to time. We have useful tips for you and show you how to express yourself optimally and which stumbling blocks you should avoid.Fountain pen on writing pad

Scientific writing - the basics

Readers orient themselves in a fluently written text by the red thread. This makes it easier to find one's way through the text so that what is read can be understood more easily. Whether it's a newspaper article, a blog entry, or a scientific paper - texts have to be consistent. You should therefore avoid leaps in thought and abrupt changes in topic.

Another common feature of different text genres is correct spelling and impeccable grammar: In a thesis, many errors can call your credibility into question. The same applies to colloquial phrases. Always make sure that your standard or technical language is error-free when writing a scientific paper.

In addition to correct spelling and grammar, appropriate style is also important. Writing a scientific paper is about facts and fact-based analysis. Therefore, it is important that you remain neutral when writing your paper. Personal evaluations such as "Unfortunately, it is so that ..." or "This thesis, fortunately, supports my execution ..." are not appropriate in Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis, and Co. This also applies to exaggerations and generalizations - stay factual!

Say goodbye to filler words, sentence monsters, and co.

When we write, filler words creep in almost unnoticed. Words like also, for example, etc, yes are empty of content and unnecessarily inflate the text. This phenomenon is not limited to individual words but also applies to (partial) sentences. Filler sentences such as "In the following paragraph, it becomes clear that ..." are superfluous and should be deleted.

Scientific texts deal with complex issues. This does not mean, however, that you should go on about your topic in endless nested sentences including excessive use of foreign words. You won't get any points for stilted phrasing. Rather: Keep it simple! Present your explanations succinctly in simple sentences and use foreign words only where they are appropriate. This makes it easier for the reader to follow your train of thought and your argumentation. You know this from reading your secondary literature: some paragraphs need to be read several times before they are understood. Make it easier for your reader and instead of writing "Due to the temporary meteorological condition manifested in stratus clouds, precipitation occurs that reaches the earth's crust in a liquid state" just write "It is raining".Letters of wood

In scientific works, the nominal style is often widely used. There is nothing wrong with using nominalizations, however, too many nouns make it difficult to read. Make your text reader-friendly and resort to verbal style. Common companions to the nominal style are passive constructions. Passive may be necessary if you want to remain neutral in the background as an author. However, a scientific text full of passive constructions looks ponderous - make your work more active!

With a scientific writing style to success

As you can see, when writing a scientific paper, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that your work shines not only in terms of content but also in terms of style. Do you find it difficult to write directly at a scientific level? Then write down your thoughts in the first version of your text as they come to your mind. Then go through this rough draft and eliminate any mistakes. Then you can fine-tune the wording. Finally, professional proofreading removes the last blemishes so that you can hand in your work with a clear conscience.

Are you looking for experts who can put the finishing touches on your work or help you with the wording? Check out the writingpapersucks article about onlineclasshelp.com. This is not the only option, but I’ve been using this service for quite a long time. You might find something more suitable for you, though.

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